October 11 Devo ~

Eyes Light Up

Ephesians 1:18-21

The human eye is not just used for vision. It is also meant to be seen by other humans. Through our lives we learn to watch other people's faces, particularly the eyes. When there is a sudden burst of understanding, we say the person's "eyes lit up."

That's what Paul wants your eyes to do—but in this instance, the eyes of your heart. Experience the sudden burst of understanding with him, please. But not just on the trivia of the times, but on things eternal.

What, then, does he think it takes to light up the eyes of your heart? The sudden burst of understanding these three things:

· The hope to which you have been called. Your hope is in the return of our Lord, the resurrection of the dead, the rewards at the judgment, the New Heaven and New Earth. You didn't wander into such hope; God called you to it. If he doesn't call, you have no such hope. But he has called—and your future with him is indeed glorious.

· The riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints. We may see this in two things: first, the incomparable depth of his grace towards us. No matter how horrible your sins, he stands at the door and knocks, forgiveness in hand. Second, we are the heirs of the kingdom of God. No eye has yet seen what that will mean—but we indeed will be blessed. Even as we are blessed with forgiveness and fellowship now.

· The incomparably great power he has for those who believe. What is there that God cannot do for his own children? Is there any limit to the good things he can and will do?

Power, in our world, shatters things, kills people and causes war and rumor of war. Power in God's hand is much greater:

· By this very power he raised Christ from the dead.

· He raised him, not to simply walk around on earth again, but so that he would be seen forty days, then taken to heaven to sit at the right hand of God.

· As such, he is above all power and authority we can imagine.

That power, as awesome as it is, is for us. Those whose hearts are in God's will find that his power is there with them. No weapon formed can stand against Him; the battle belongs to the Lord.

Lord, we so often see you as the gentle Jesus; open our eyes to the Christ of awesome power, moving mightily for his own. :angel:



Author: Magnumguy