Sunday June 22 Devo ~ Hypocracy….

bet that got yall's attention

“Hypocrites in the Church”

A young man was telling me, recently, why it had taken him so long to become a
Christian, he said, “I had a hard time dealing withthe hypocrisy that I saw in the church.”

Well, it is true that there are hypocrites in thechurch. It would be hypocritical of me to deny it! But what does that have to do with myresponsibility to serve the Lord? Isn’t it hypocritical to use what others do, or do not do, as an excuse for failing to be what we need to be?

Hypocrisy is the act of pretending to be something we are not. Usually it is anattempt to cover up attitudes or motives that are not as acceptable as the ones that are pretended. Hypocrisy is nothing new, nor is it confined to the realm
of religion.

Certainly, having just gone through an election season, we have seen many candidates who try to stand on every side of issues, to appeal to whatever audience they are speaking.

For those who are “offended” by hypocrisy in the church, what about the hypocrisy of the world? Isn’t it the height of hypocrisy when cigarette companies offer information to help people stop smoking, the liquor industry sponsors campaigns against drinking and driving, and gambling interests encourage us to “play responsibly?”

It is true that only sincere service is acceptableto the Lord. Jesus rebuked those
who prayed standing on the street corners and gave alms “to be seen of men”
(Mathew 6). He warned of those who had a beam in their eye trying to remove the
speck from the eye of their brother (Matthew 7:1-5)

In Matthew 23, Jesus referred to the scribes and Pharisees as hypocrites no less than nine times? “Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you saying: ’These people draw near to me with their mouth, and honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me!’” (Matthew 15:7-8).

But we never let hypocrites keep us from doing orbeing what we want to be in other areas of our life. Not everyone who comes to the football game is a real fan - many just come to be with their friends. Even when they cheer and wear the home team colors, they are doing so just to fit in. But, you don’t allow their lack of commitment deter you.

The true hypocrite is the one who says “the reason I don’t serve the Lord because
of the hypocrites in the church.” If you look at the church and all you see the hypocrites, you are looking in the wrong places. You should be looking at Jesus - He is certainly everything that He claimed to be. Look at your brothers and sisters in Christ who are sincere and are genuinely seeking to serve the Lord. Some of what we may condemn as hypocrisy may just be imperfect people doing their best. And finally, look at yourself.

When you remove the sin from your own life, then you will be able, not to
condemn your brother, but to help him do better. :angel:


Camden Avenue Church of Christ

Author: Magnumguy