APRIL 22 Devo ~ The HOLY Grail

The HOLY Grail

1 Corinthians 11:25

He (Jesus) also took the cup after supper, saying,
" This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me"

(Emphasis Added)

During the 1980's, Film Director Steven Spielberg's film character, Indiana Jones, took us on three cinematic adventures. His quest in the first film was searching for the Ark of the Covenant and the third 1980's film was in pursuit of "The Holy Grail."

"The Holy Grail" is the supposed cup that Jesus drank from at the last supper. Recently the New York Post reported that historians now claim to have found the cup. Spanish historians, Margarita Torres and José Ortega del Río picked up the trail and traced the cup from the 5th century --- more than 400 years after Christ.

The Egyptians 400 years after Christ walked the earth, experienced a severe drought. They needed help and appealed to Spain. The King of Spain was eager to help and sent the necessary aid. In return for the King's kindness the Christians of Egypt gave the King a gift --- "The Holy Grail" cup.

How it got to Egypt --- whether the cup actually was part of the Last Supper and touched the lips of Jesus --- and other details are currently lost in 400 years of history. But you can bet the historians who picked up the scent will seek out the rest of the details. Perhaps with the vim and vigor exhibited by the Fedora wearing, Bull whip packing, and snake fearing Indiana Jones, as depicted in Spielberg's films.

For you and me the rest of the story is played out every service where Communion is shared. For those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ HE asks us to "do this in remembrance of ME." We are not required to use "The Holy Grail" cup or a specific kind of bread or juice. We are just asked to celebrate with Jesus recognizing Him as Lord and Savior in our life.

So none of us need to be an Indiana Jones type explorer extraordinaire, to receive all the benefits of "The Holy Grail." It is here, now and it is in the remembrance of the Lord Jesus Christ as we celebrate Communion. :angel:

Prayer: Father thank you for the cup and loaf as a remembrance for all Jesus did for me. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!


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Author: Magnumguy