Plymoputh, Dodge, Chrysler, Imperial data, Color & Trim books and service manuals FS

Numerous Plymouth, Dodge, Chrysler and Imperial data, color and trim books and service manuals for sale. Condition varies by book. Contact me via PM for in hand description and details. Price listed is for book only. Shipping extra. Sent from Harlan, IA 51537.

Most of these were the books scanned and posted in the Hamtramck Historical library if you want to see what the pages look like.


'69 color and trim $50
'72 set $200
'74 set $125
'75 set $60
'78 set $30
'79 set $25
'80 book has both data and color and trim section $10


'72 set $200
'75 set $60
'76 set $50
'78 data $20
'80 book has both data and color and trim section $10


'67 Chrysler $70
'68 Imperial $75
'69 Imperial data. Has color and trim section also $75
'69 Chrysler data. Has color and trim section also $60
'70 Chrysler data. Has color and trim section also $75
'71 Chrysler color and Trim $50
'72 Chrysler set $40
'72 Chrysler color and trim $15
'74 Chrysler set $40
'75 Chrysler set $45
'79 Chrysler set $20

Believed to be original service manuals. Not reprints.

'66 Plymouth $25
'68 Charger/Coronet/Dart $25
'68 Polara/Monaco $20
'70 Challenger/Dart $25
'75 C/P/D body service manual $20

1968, 1970 and 1971 Mopar accessories catalogs. In plastic sheaths and three ring binder $125 for all three books.
Author: 69CoronetRT