October 18 Devo ~ The Supreme Mediator

The Supreme Mediator!!

“But the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, and it is founded on better promises.”
– Hebrews 8:6

Theodore Woodrow Kheel was born in Brooklyn on May 9, 1914, named after Theodore Roosevelt. Mr. Kheel went to Cornell University graduating in 1935; he graduated from its law school two years later. In 1938, Mr. Kheel joined the legal staff of the National Labor Relations Board He later worked for the War Labor Board, which was charged with maintaining labor peace to promote the war effort. In 1946, Mayor William O'Dwyer named him deputy director of New York City's new division of labor relations, and a year later he became the division's director.

In May 1949, he was named impartial arbitrator for the city's private transit industry, settling disputes between the often-militant Transport Workers Union and seven private bus lines. In 1956, Mayor Wagner named him arbitrator for the citywide transit authority, a position he held for 33 years. During that period he handled an average of 1,000 disputes a year. In 1964, President Johnson summoned Mr. Kheel to Washington to help mediate 10 days of feverish negotiations that prevented a nationwide rail walkout. Newspapers hailed his successes at resolving myriad conflicts; he was described as "the most influential peacemaker in New York City in the last half-century" and the "master locksmith of deadlock bargaining."

Jesus Christ is the superior mediator of all time. He was able to successfully mediate the difference between sinful man and Holy God by giving His life as a Holy Sacrifice. Today in prayer, thank the Lord that He is our mediator. :angel:

“Christ’s work as Mediator is unique; it was to restore us to divine favor and to make us sons of God” – John Calvin

God’s Word: “For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” – 1 Timothy 2:5




By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2013

Author: Magnumguy