Early B Body Trunk MakeOver

I'm looking for pictures or tips from anyone who has gone the route of carpeting and boxing in their trunk. I've been starting to work on my 62' trunk and here is where I am so far.

My car is tubbed so I have wheel tubs to deal with and I also have a fuel cell and battery box in the trunk. My current thinking is to run carpet down the back of the cabin partition and out along the trunk floor with carpet up over the wheel tubs and on the inside face of them. I would then make side panels that run from the very rear by the tail light up and over the tubs and cover them with vinyl in the colors/patterns of my interior. I made panel templates this week and cut out two panels yesterday using some 3/16" pressboard. Since the material is not as flexable as the cardboard template I am going to have to remove the fuel cell and battery box to get room to put them in - which means I have to be ready to get the vinyl work done at the same time. I am looking for any ideas - preferably pictures or experiances, that you guys could post here to help me think this thing through before I get into it too deep. I think any pictures of a finished early B body trunk would help but particularly if it is tubbed.
I am also thinking I will have matching vinyl covers made for the fuel cell and battery box.
This is a picture of my trunk now. I'll put up some pictures later of what I have done so far to install panel supports and of the panels I have made.

Here is a shot of the side panel stops that I installed to secure the bottom of the panel. The top of the panel will tuck into the outer lip of the trunk.

And this is what the side panels look like - obviously without the vinyl.
Author: Stumper