318 Random skip

Just picked up nice 1992 Dakota 4x4 with mpi 318 and automatic trans a couple of days ago from my brother who was tired of spending money on it. Since then I have been trying to find out why the darn thing skips a beat and sometimes it don't. It starts and idles normal, normally. I can take it out on the road and most of the time it will start to skip just after takeoff. Return to shop and it'll sit there and idle just fine. At Times I can rev it to, say, 2200 rpm's and it may skip, may not. It's a hard skip like total ignition failure albeit briefly and keeps running, never has shut off.
My brother put new computer, coil, dizzy cap & pickup, rotor, plugs, wires and a new fuel filter on it within the last 2 months. Took to Mopar dealer and their diagnosis was worn cam lobe or sticking lifter. I disagree, I think it is in the ignition, it runs too good when it doesn't skip.
Any thoughts?
Author: 4vnut