Yesterday Was A BIG!!! Day… Sort Of

After 47 months and 2 days, I went to start the mighty Polara yesterday!!!!! All was in readiness -- lines secured, fluids topped off, a six-hour old battery in the tray, and a brand spanking new four barrel Edelbrock gleaming at me. The key was turned!!!!, and .... Nothing. A lot of cranking and turning, and some gas shooting up out of the carb, but no starting. My car savvy neighbor, who has been with me every step of the way thinks that I screwed up the rotor -- that I have it pointing at the wrong plug. I'm new to all this, of course, but I THOUGHT that I had gotten that stuff correct. If memory serves, as I stood next to the passenger tire, and looked to the driver's tire, the rotor was pointing at about two o'clock. He says it should have been pointing at five o'clock. Oh, well, back to my book, and we shall see. Rain today. I will try again soon.
Author: 69 Polara