The Greatest Generation

I really enjoyed Mr. Brokaw's book but recently I've felt the need to re-read it. I want to be clear as to whether the "generation" he is talking about is people of an era in time or the more traditional meaning, people of a certain age.

To be sure, people who were young adults in the '40s faced difficult and uncertain times. But people of all ages during that time rose to meet every challenge. Sacrifice was wide-spread and those who sacrificed were admired.

Were their sacrifices greater than other's? Were they a hardier bunch? Was their work ethic better? Were they better husbands and wives? Were they better people? In some respects I suppose they were but in others, definitely not. I know my life has been cotton candy and snowflakes compared to my father's; it's difficult to compare my generation against his.
Author: Loadrunner