No offense meant [like hell]

Three world-famous surgeons were having dinner one evening when the conversation turned into a bit of a "can you top this?" session. The first doctor told of a world class concert pianist whose hands were crushed in a home improvement project disaster. The doctor bragged that due to his extraordinary skill, the successful surgeries followed by 6 months of rehabilitation, allowed his patient to regain his ability to play again. Within another year he was back on tour as good as ever.... The second surgeon, very impressed, told of a young man who competed internationally in Olympic decathalons. At home on his family farm, a tractor accident mangled an arm and a leg which nearly killed him. This orthopedic surgeon not only saved the young man's limbs from amputation but he was able to microscopically reattach every muscle, tendon, nerve and blood vessel, giving the athlete full use of the injured parts and allow him to train again. The accolades given to this doctor were huge. Finally the last surgeon, very impressed by both of the stories he just heard said: " Your patients' successful surgeries are both truly amazing. Let me tell you of a totally different emergency that I was faced with. I had to deal with an operation very much different than anything that any of us ever had to face in our careers. A young lady who was a very avid horseback rider, went riding on the rr tracks one day. As her horse reached its fastest pace, a train appeared in the distance travelling full speed and coming directly at her! She just kept going and the train couldn't stop. The horrific disaster left me with nothing but a horse's ass and a head of blonde hair to perform surgery on. And gentlemen today she is the U.S. Secretary of State!!!
Author: awsrt8