M1 vs. Strip Dominator

I had my new M1 sitting on the bench last night, and looked closely at it, and sitting next to my old strip dominator I started to notice the differences in them, such as the depth of the plenum in the M1 is almost twice that of the SD, and the ports of the Sd are less than an inch wide, the dominators ports are slightly taller than the M1, but overall the M1 is huge inside compared to the SD.

My question is simply if anyone here has run both on the same combo and how did each one perform? From searching the forum I read that for some the SD had great torque and made power all the way acrossed the board, and with the smaller port size I imagine it has better port velocity than an M1.

I have read that the M1 improved power and torque all the way acrossed the board. I'd like to know if anyone here has run these both and has an opinion.
Author: stroker mike