Five Hundred Mile Day

For some weird reason, on Google Map, the start (A) isn't the way I actually went, but;
I took 680 across the Benicia Bridge ($4.00 toll) to Sacramento and fetched documents for delivery to Fairfield. Before that I went to the printer and loaded a 450 pound pallet which I passed on to one of our trucks in Fairfield and while there picked up a 860 lb pallet of ink and delivered it so a printer in Fresno could work on their project all weekend. The pallets were handled by forklifts at the pick-up, exchange and delivery and, other than strapping them in place, I never touched them. I LOVE forklifts. Yaaaay tools!
And so, some business is still struggling along in spite of the economy.

*Saw an...OLDS!

*Saw a Jeep.

*Saw a Bass Boat....with an unidentified thingie sticking up.

*Wished I could obey


*No excuse for not noticing him...

*If he hit the brakes, I might be blasted off the road! LED lights. Yeah.

*Almost home and this is how I felt after 540 miles.

*And Saturday I checked on the progress of my Artichoke seeds, under development.

The route on Google Maps: &mra=ls&z=8
Author: Shatto