Author: Unfettered

A What is it worth Question….

Over the weekend, the Mrs. and I were visiting her father and along the road was an empty lot with several cars with for sale signs on them.

Have a Happy New Year

You who are celebrating this evening (you know who you are) stay safe and we’ll see you next year.

For everyone, I hope you have a safe and…

Anyone want to buy a house???

Well, the new house gets listed this weekend. The realtor who helped us through the purchase has the listing. She thinks we’ll be able to move it…

Finally got a place..

Finally! Job is going good and we found a home here in Springfield. 1 block south of the mother road!!!

So it looks like we’re a little more…

Parasitic fan power loss

OK, While not specifically a Mopar only thing, how much power can be gained by moving an engine with a fan on a fan clutch to an electric fan?


Anybody into model railroading?

I finally have some room and have dusted off my 15 year old “new” model RR stuff. Just wondering if I was the only one.

Breifly, I sold my old…

Why ask Why??????

My wife called to tell me the county court in the county I live in has, for the 4th time in 10 years, requested the honor of my presence at a party…