Author: Tink

The weather

It sure looks like we’ve had a big change in the weather. Tornadoes in February in the deep south is unusual. I live near the west shore of Galveston Bay about 20 miles from the Gulf of Mexico. I see the heavy moisture laden clouds stream NE about every three days. Unusual this time of year.

Chrysler road wheels

Is this the wheel referred to as the Chrysler “road wheel”?

Eagles trained to hunt wolves

I read in a novel about eagle’s hunting wolves in Mongolia so I googled it………..

Inflammatory speech

It used to be a crime to yell “fire” in a movie theater. It used to be a crime to say things that cause the death of others. What ever changed that?

For Sale For Sale:1960 Olds Super 88

Craigslist ad that looks legit. Everyone I have ever known that collects street signs and hubcaps was a bit older than me. I have a license plate…

Chrysler road wheels

Is this the wheel referred to as the Chrysler “road wheel”?

SR-71 Flight in the 1973 Yom Kippur war

We were rousted to duty in the early hours from our comfortable indoor bunks for this event at Beale. …