Author: Shatto

Looks Like A Beach Boys Song


Olympics On Computer

I signed up with Astound, my cable provider, to receive the NBC Olympic coverage on the computer. Yaay.
Now, I’m wondering if I can record the Olympic coverage on the computer so I don’t have to stay up
all night to see it.
Suggestions or ideas are ap…

Amanda! A reason to watch the Olympics

She calls herself a girl of God, guns and glitter.
Amanda Furrer, will compete in 3-Position Rifle at the Olympics.

*NBC will show everything, on TV and on the Internet,
but you must sign up to get the…


If this isn’t blasphemy, I don’t know what is…….

Cross-Ventilated Rotors. Worth It?

Are Cross-Ventilated Rotors worth the cost?
I’m about due for pads and because there is a slight vibration from a hot spot on one of the rotors I may replace the rotors rather than turn them.

I often carry large payloads but, more importantly my stopping involves long periods of gentle braking,…

Five Hundred Mile Day

For some weird reason, on Google Map, the start (A) isn’t the way I actually went, but;
I took 680 across the Benicia Bridge ($4.00 toll) to Sacramento and fetched documents for delivery to Fairfield. Before that I went to the printer and loaded a 450 pound pallet which I passed on to one of our…

You might want to pay closer attention to your email

CHECK YOUR JUNK MAIL…Lately, my email contacts, strangely enough, the ones from the right side politically, have been moved to ‘Junk Mail’……by Hotmail.