Author: rnb69

US Car Tool question

Just curious about anyone’s experience with the folks at US Car Tool. I have not contacted them yet, but plan on it soon. I have a 70 Gran Coupe…

Painting an engine

Just curious on peoples experience in painting/detailing an engine. Planning to clean mine up & put a nice new coat on it soon. currently the paint…

Hughes Engines

Anybody have experience with the folks at Hughes Engines? They have some pretty impressive claims on their website, but that pretty much applies to…

Subframe connectors

Looking to install subframe connectors in a 70 Barracuda. What are the pro’s/cons of the subframe connectors offered by shops like US Car tool, where…

Hello from Wilmington NC

Hello everyone. Looks like i’m the new guy now. Pretty surprised I haven’t found or been introduced to this forum until now. I’ve looked around a few…