Author: old tired rebel

Members around Winston-Salem NC

There is a new car club being formed in Winston-Salem. Not strictly Mopars but there are 2 of us. Me in my Doba and a Guy that has a Dart. and 2…

Regional Mopars

Different parts of the country a dealer could special order a package car or truck and name it. Like a Mr Norm Dart GSS

What was available during…

C&M Wheels

How wide of tire can you put on 6 1/2 inch Police wheels?

318 Poly Engine

How good is a 318 Poly engine and is there any High Performance parts for it?

4 speed Conversion

I want to convert my Cordoba from a auto to a 4 speed. I will be going to a 400 or a 440 at a later date,but I want this to be my first mod to my…

Sweptline Trucks

Any Sweptline Trucks here? Show your truck.

Remember Petty’s Magnum

I remember seeing him race in Richmond but he had switched to Pontiac by then.
