Author: myR/T

Need help identifying what goes here?

Hey guys I’m working on a 1970 challenger 4 speed car. On the side of the clutch/brake pedal assembly is this bracket. Does anyone know what goes in it? As always I appreciate any help. Thanks.

Brake pedal spring retainer help

Does anyone make the retainer that holds the spring behind the bracket on the parking brake pedal assembly as show in pic. Thanks

70 Challenger update.

It’s been awhile since I posted new pics. I bought this car in 2017 and this week I finally got paint on her.

70 Challenger clutch safety switch needed…

Does anyone have a 70 Challenger clutch safety switch they wouldn’t mind getting rid of. My cars was missing when I purchased it and Brewers will only sell one if you have one to exchange.. any help wold be appreciated. Thanks

Need help identifying this hood ?

I originally bought this hood for my 70 Challenger but have since found another hood. Sorry I didn’t dig the hood all the way out. I just wanted to get a picture of the holes in the hood. I’ve been told it’s a 1971 only wide chrome hood for a Challeng…

Carter 4933s carburetor

I am looking for a original carburetor fo my 1970 challenger. It’s an original 340 4sp car and came with the carter 4933s. A nice rebuildable core would work just fine. Thanks

70 Challenger interior wire cover question?

Hello everyone. Does anyone have pictures of how these wire covers are mounted in a 70 Challenger. None were in my car when I got it. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
