Author: moparkep1

November 20 Devo

An Out-of-Focus Life
Read Ezekiel 25:1 through 28:19; Hebrews 12:1–29
It’s easy for someone to…

APRIL10 DEVO Slowing Down

How are you with time management? Some people make lists, establish timelines, and stay on schedule to see their tasks finished in a timely manner….

April 9th devo.

Dead and Buried?

A 2007 Father’s Day gift from my brother and sister-in-law was Tod…

DEV 1st Cornered.

If you corner an animal, it is likely to respond with hostility, bared teeth, claws, or fangs. Sam, my Irish setter, is the most docile creature…

DEVO OCT #!ST – Life Doesn’t Have to Be Scary

Halloween has practically become a national holiday. Americans now spend nearly $7 billion on creepy costumes, candy by the bushel, and …


*Exodus 31:1-6* (
1 Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying: 2 “See, I have…

Devo oct 29th :)

*Genesis 37:31-35* (
31 So they took Joseph’s tunic, killed a kid of…