Author: Micmaynard

Stalling Fury.

1970 Fury III, stock 318, I finally got the suspension and alignment sorted out so I decided it was safe to go to a cars and coffee show this morning. It was warm, 80-ish, not sunny, around 40 minutes of highway at 55-65.
seeing as this is the first re…

Beauty shots

My Son, an amateur photographer, gave me my Christmas present this weekend, a photoshoot of my Fury!

is this a joke?

Does anyone know any history behind this? was it a joke or was it just the 60’s-70’s?
Would have loved to be in that office when someone drew this and they said, “Yeah, that’s perfect we’ll make floor mats with that!”


Fury dashboard speakers

I’m looking for pictures of a dashboard with the 3 speaker setup because I’m considering retrofitting my car with the left-right side speakers instead of just the center 4×10.
Any photos or recommendations would be great.

Extra condenser on the coil?

Ok, folks, I have a question.
Last week my Fury just died at an intersection. no spark.
It had been getting harder and harder to start over the previous few weeks, would have to crank for 10 seconds or more and when it did start I had to hold the throt…

Seat track return springs

Hi All,
1970 Plymouth Fury III convertible.
Doing some interior work and noticed that one of the seat track return springs is broken, the other is not far behind. I’m not finding any replacement springs out there except for bucket seats.
any recomme…

Yep, I agree…