Author: Magnumguy

Devo for Sunday Sept 22

What does God look like?

Devo for Sept 18

God’s Magnificent Design

Devo for Sept 12

God Honors Our Commitment to Him

Daniel 1 (

Daniel and his friends faced the same dilemma…

Devo for Sept 11

A Question……

10 years ago, something evil happened that would change the world forever.

10 years ago, evil men attacked us.

10 years ago…

Devo for Sunday Sept 8th

So It Turns Out…..

It turns out that Christianity is good for you, and good for your kids.
Aren’t I Captain Obvious?

Well, I suppose if you…

Devo for Sept 7th

Was Jesus’ Body Really Buried in a Tomb?
Wearing blue jeans, white socks, and a dark-blue sweater with red turtleneck collar, William Lane Craig,…

Devo for Sept 5th

Base Your Life on This
The god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the…