Author: Lord Castlereagh

Best Website to Sell My Car

Hi, All:
I need to sell my other antique (83 Eldorado Biarritz) in order to buy a C body. What is the best website to do this? EBAY seems to have fallen out of favor. Don’t know why. Any help would be appreciated.

I hope I’m posting this on the right board.


The Difference Between a Good Paint Job and a FAB! Paint Job

Last week, I caught the very end of a show on cable about the differences between, if I remember correctly, a $5,000 paint job, a $10,000 paint job, and a $15,000 paint job.

Let me beat all the wiseguys to the punch: Yes, I know the difference between…

Should I go to Carlisle?

I’m in the market for a C body. I’m about 2 hours from Carlisle. Should I go there? Will there be one single car for sale at Carlisle that I cannot find on the web?

Your thoughts and insights will be greatly appreciated.


1969 Dodge Polara

Hello, all:

I’m not at all sure if this is the right place for this question, but…

I put my 69 Polara up for sale sometime between MAY 2012 and MAY 2013. It was on ebay. I’m looking to see if it appeared on this forum. When I go into the for sale history, the dates are all screwy. The “last posted” date I ignore, but the other date, the one on the left, should be sequential, yes? But it does not appear to be.

If anybody can help, it would be appreciated. The car was a 69 Polara with…

1969 Dodge Polara

Welcome Lord Castlereagh to FCBO!

I like old cars…

Location: VA