Author: furyfinn

1971 New Yorker limousine

The car in the picture served Finland’s most famous president UKK (Urho Kaleva Kekkonen) in early 70’s. It was extended in Sweden and some special…

For Sale CL ad 69 300 vert

I wonder where the rust is and how much is there…

Great looking car, just hate the…

One-Eye Monaco

A sad sight… I spotted it last weekend on our road trip. That 72 Monaco used to be mine in the past, my first C ever. I’ve been told she has been…

Midsummer in Finland

Well, we had an unusual winter here… Hardly any snow.

This is what we had a couple of days ago:

Lurker with a -69 300 vert finally storming in

Hi guys and gals!

Rainy greetings from Finland! it’s been a very wet and coldish day and I think I have some cold myself, so it’s a perfect day to…