Author: fury1

2 66 Newport 4 door sedans

On my way to college yesterday I get a call from my brother who spotted a 66 Newport 4 door sedan off highway 10 about 2 miles from me. Today I…

For Sale Craigslist find 66 Chrysler 300
Found in Minneapolis Craigslist. Pretty cheap!! Doesn’t look that bad!… I talked to…

rebuilding Chrysler 400

Alright guys I’ve decided to rebuild the 400 that’s in my 75 Chrysler. I would like to pull some more power out of iti have a couple of grand in mind…

got the 66 chrysler 300 home!!

Attachment 56340 ( 56340…

got the 66 chrysler 300 home!!

Attachment 56340 ( 56340…

got the 66 chrysler 300 home!!

Attachment 56340 ( 56340…

saved another one

Went and looked at this 66 300 2 door. Has a 383 4 barrel, white vinyl top. White interior . 99% complete minus the hubcaps and 1 piece if chrome….