Author: frankiln

Stock oil pan

My stock pan did not have any baffles or windage tray , so that’s how I put it back . I’ve been seeing that they say to use windage trey. do I need one , when my stock motor did not have that.

fuel pump rod

my motor was recently rebuilt, stock rebuild. I was wondering what rod for fuel pump to use . i would like to use stock , but not sure where to get one. any help would be appreciated.

Valley pan

I ordered a new valley pan. It came with the center port hole not cut out, did I just get a wrong one , or do I cut the hole myself.

Brake line distribution block

Stumped, on my 1968 Chrysler newyorker, I am replacing my brake lines . I have a manual on my computer, the way it shows is not how my brake lines went it the distribution block. My left front went to the back or other side of safety switch up top, my …

2 holes with tubes sticking out of firewall

Hey guys, I have a 68 newyorker, iam trying to redo it, it sat in a barn for 40 years , and rats got to it. I have two holes with tubes sticking out of the firewall , with nothing coming out or nothing hooked to them. Can anyone tell me what they are for.

440 engine rebuild

Can anyone recommend a engine rebuilder for my seized 440 motor in the Atlanta area.