Author: Ele115

Am I crazy? I like rebuilding carbs

4 am. My back is out, my shoulder is shot. I am rebuilding a pair of AFBs. I love it. Most people are terrified if carbs. My wife walked by, looked in and said "You must have bought cheap gas". LOL. She’s the best.

My Spare AMC Rally wheels. Discard them or use them?

These are from my vast AMC horde. Normally, they would go to the Hyundai foundry but these are getting very hard to find so I sandblasted them and acid dipped them. They do fit Chrysler but are 14 inch, so they were never very popular wheels. They are going on one of my Aspens. I was looking for the “road wheels” and just gave up and decided to use these. There is some pitting on them, but the rings will hide it. I have some white letter 70 series tires I bought for my GTO in the 80’s (but…

My Spare AMC Rally wheels. Discard them or use them?

440 Six Pack Diplomat Wagon FS (Not mine)

25 Grand.

Maybe get rid of the government cheese wheels. 25K is Not much money in todays economy. Anybody know more about this car?

“This car was built back in the early 80’s by gentleman named Bob Klopp which was the original owner of this Diplomat. Was in Mopar Action Magazine in Feb 1991. This car is believed to be 30k original miles.”

Hyundai Santa Fe. – Is this Normal?

Had to go out West for a week and they gave me a choice of rentals, Hyundai or Buick something. He said Hyundai would be better on gas which I knew would be false but I wanted to experience the Korean stuff. The trunk was not bad at all. This was Vegas, but I had to go way out in the desert, so I was going to use it and use a lot of gas. It had 70 miles on it so it had probably been used only once before I got there. The seats wouldn’t go back as far as I expected but I’m over 7 foot and my…

Hyundai Santa Fe. – Is this Normal?

Clips and Fasteners

Not really a horror story, or an “I can’t find it anywhere” story, not this time. On the 1st of January I went out in the shop to put the dash back together in an old Volvo I have had for years. I got close to the finish line and one of the little 7mm screw anchor clips broke. I put everything away and ordered a box from Clips and They are already here! Now I have dozens of these too, a good thing as these are pretty common. Damn, I wish this happened more often! Now maybe I…

Clips and Fasteners

413 in a 88 Gran Fury

It’s in and it runs, but last time I did this swap I didn’t write very much down, other than a few part numbers and prices. What little I kept track of is on my wife’s old laptop. It overheats if it idles a long time and needs a radiator. I think I used a pickup radiator but I really don’t remember, it could have been from a van. Any ideas? Going to want a good fan shroud, probably no electric fan BS with this although it helps with A/C pressures so I could get a couple Spal-12’s from my…

413 in a 88 Gran Fury

Down to bare metal — Surface rust

People have been mentioning bare metal and how to address it. Of course, there are going to be 2,342,782 different “right ways” to do it. I have a way that has worked for me for years.

My 78 has the original paint, but rain dripped onto it and got through the paint. This paint may look good, but it’s over 40 years old, a fart can go right through it. I took the deck lid off as that’s by far the worst. I am doing the whole car, but the booth is full right now. I have to move a lot of stuff…

Down to bare metal — Surface rust