2015 600 HP Super Charged Challenger

Whoz signin’ the waiting list for this rocket out this fall?

YO Matt, 60 dayz and counting

Iz your new rear main seal hatched out yet? Yeah been sittin’ on that egg fer ah year now. Just yankin’ yer chain my Friend. Make your shopping list,…

The mail box iz empty

Sorry already, So please youz guyz stop spankin’ me and just re-send what yeah rit, Jer


Whatz this I’m hearin’ ’bout whatz goin’ on in the Fort Hood-HOOD?You got another towel head crazy runnin’ loose on that base, Gawd, somebody please…


Yo Dave! Clean out your P.M. box

Hope this will lighten your load today

I can’t take credit for this one It came off the Stationwagonforum this A.M……..: We’ve had power outages the last few weeks in Canada. My…

When do we cross the line

From our toyz to just too much Stuff? I’m watchin’ the newz this morning, Haven’t got two sipz of coffee down yet and I’m seein’ something about My…