Author: awsrt8

Seeing is Believing!!!


Unbelievable Magnum Performances




The Last Nickel

A father walks into a restaurant with his young son… He gives the boy 3 nickels to play with to keep him occupied.

Suddenly the boy starts choking, turning blue in the face… The father realizes the boy has swallowed the nickels and starts slapping him on the back.

The boy coughs up 2 of the…

E15 Beware

The EPA is trying to push this new untested gasoline which is extremely damaging to all cars except for Flex Fuel vehicles. There’s no warning anywhere about it either.:jawdrop:

[just wait out the 10]
Click: http://video.foxbusiness….

Ear Infection

They always ask at the doctor’s reception why you are there, and you have to answer in front of others what’s wrong and sometimes it is embarrassing.

There’s nothing worse than a Doctor’s Receptionist who insists that you tell her what is wrong with you, in a room full of other patients. Many of…

It never seems as it appears

Yossel Zelkovitz worked in a pickle factory. For many years he had a powerful

desire to put his member in the pickle slicer. Unable to stand it any longer, he

sought professional help from the factory psychologist. After six months, the

therapist gave up. He advised Yossel to go ahead and do it…

How much drinkin did it take to do this???

You just gotta see this at: