Author: 70NPORT

Mopar vs. foreign iron (sniff).…97-the-amazing-162-mph-nuremburg-daytona.html

Who’s definite for Carlisle this year?

..besides the usual crowd, lol.

Just a little trip to the Custard stand

Went to this little ice cream / custard stand on a byway that cuts across the farm and woodlands of south jersey. Dave probably been by here a…

Archie getting it said

Archie tells it like it is….Attachment 52529 (

Eleventy Thousand

I just turned eleventy thousand posts…

Attachment 52341 (

Phenomena at Acme

Opinions please………

After making a pitstop this morning at the local market place I got in and tried to start the car. No deal. It turned and…

70 Newport Rear springs

I am swapping out my rear springs for new ones myself. Speaking with Springs N Things vendor to secure new pieces (I think some here might have used…