Author: 64Imperial

Crack in transfer plate, 64 Imperial 727 transmission

Hey I was changing the transmission fluid when I noticed a crack starting in the transfer plate right by the filter and going to the complete edge of the plate. The car shifts fine and I haven’t noticed anything odd from the transmission but the crack …

Ac condenser is larger than the radiator hole!

I ordered an ac condenser last winter so I could build my ac system this summer, but when I went to just mock fit it in my Imperial it’s way wider than the radiator hole!

Should I search for a new one? I can’t return this one unfortunately, but I’m w…

1964 Imperial dual AC line routing

Hey I’m putting back in the dual ac system in my car. When I bought it, it had all of the ac lines missing and some of the ac parts too.

I need an idea of how the lines would have gone to the back of the car. Did it go through the cabin? Or run by t…

A518 conversion on a pushbutton 727

Hey everyone I’ve been reading alot of threads that talk about converting their transmissions to 518. Has anyone ever done it on a 1964 Imperial?

Also what kits are out there so I can still use my push buttons? Some of the threads are too old and the …

Is it possible to add abs to an Imperial?

Hey I’ve been toying with the idea of figuring out a way to add abs to my 64. I’ve had a couple close calls with the brakes locking up and I’m wondering if it’s even possible.

I know the later 60s and early 70s Imperials had a form of abs, but I bet i…

Where to find bushings for a 1964 Imperial

Hey I’m looking to replace as many rubber bushings as I can on my car. I’m adding new leaf springs so I have the bushings for it.

But I’m looking for the rear strut bushings, sway bar bushings and any other bushing that you have listing for.

Thank …

1964 Imperial ac/heater blower

Hey I’m looking for a new ac blower motor. Some websites list it as needs to be specified with ac or no ac and others don’t.

Is the heater blower the same as an ac blower but with the addition of a resistor for the ac?

Let me know! Thank you!