Author: 5fty7vn

’66 Newport hesitates

My ’66 Newport hesitates/”sputters” upon acceleration. Just started doing this today. Any ideas what might be causing it? I put new plugs in it about 2500 miles ago so i’m a little skeptical on if that is the problem. It’s got a 383 2bbl.

Reverse Lights

I have a ’66 Newport that when I put it in reverse the reverse light won’t come on unless the shifter is over the “K” in Park. Any ideas on how this can be adjust so the lights come on when the shifter is over the “R”? I was told I could make an adjustment under the dash, on the steering column………just look for 2 screws and then adjust the “bracket” as needed. This is all I could find on the column…………..the firewall is at the bottom of the of the photo….

Reverse Lights

Milky “froth” from radiator overflow hose

Hello………….the past week or so i’ve noticed a brownish milky “foam/froth” coming out of the radiator overflow hose. The car doesn’t run hot…

’66 Newport Carburetor

I’m wondering if anyone could give me some advice. My ’66 Newport is running pretty rich. The carb was rebuilt about 11-12 years ago and when I go…

Stiff brake pedal………1966 Chrysler Newport

I drove my Newport this morning with no issues but this afternoon I took it out again and noticed the brake is really stiff and the braking has…

WANTED 1966 Chrysler Newport – left rear trim

I’m looking for the chrome trim piece located at the very back on the drivers side. It’s the “V” piece that is connected to the upper and lower trim…