Author: 300cruiser

Another Rear Drum Dragging Thread

I have been struggling with a dragging & overheating right rear drum issue for a while. Last year I decided to rebuild all four corners, new shoes, drums, cylinders, springs, etc. The new shoes made the issue worse even on short rides.
I eagerly followed Zymurgy’s thread about the same issue. I borrowed a gauge and checked/set the end play…no love.
Tonight I pulled the drum and had my assistant slowly apply the brakes so I could observe the action. The cylinder deployed the leading shoe…

Another Rear Drum Dragging Thread

Rebuilding Brakes

After dealing with a number of issues, rim heating, pulling, hard pedal, I am finally rebuilding all 4 corners. The rears are complete and road tested, the fronts are 90% and I hope to complete tonight. I got stumped last night when installing the new …

Wheels of Yesteryear

Has anyone else toured this little museum in Myrtle Beach? I’ve gone through it twice and spent considerable time speaking with the owner both times,…

For Sale 1970 Newport Convertible

Sorry if this is a repost but I thought it looked particularly nice. CDN dollar is currently pretty weak so this translates to around $7,500 US$.

Master Cylinder Mystery

Pulled the car from storage today and the rear reservoir was empty again…same thing last year. It doesn’t lose a drop all summer, just when in…

For Sale 76 New Yorker

I really wish that I had space for this.

Considering a new engine

Do you think this will fit in a ’67 300??