Author: 1MEAN66

Want Light Weight Bumpers

Have a 66 Satellite. Bumpers dented, solid, very restorable, but expensive at about $ 600 per end. Looking to replace with something light weight,…

Need Some opinions!

Will be hitting the road again (truck Driver) but could use some opinions. You can answer here or my email ( as wife can…

Need a gear box?

I have a C-Body manual gear box with pitman arm. Some idiot had it on my B-Body when I got the car. Anyone need it? If so let me know what info you…

Intake Identification?

Need some help. I will put this in the drag race section also. I have an aluminum intake and have no idea what it is! It was on the car I have when I…

Dakota 4.7 Help!

This is my second time trying this, do not know where first post or thread or what ever it is called went and can not find it. HATE computer talk!…

Why one light????

I am 57 and have drag raced since the 70’s. What is the purpose, which seems to be getting moe and more popular,of one light on in the rear of a…

I’m a new Kid here!

Actually not a kid (57 years old). Just an old fart that hates computers. It took me 20 minutes to get this far.I live in Waterford N.Y. and my…