Baseball, it’s just a game right

I'm posing a question because I can usually count on sound advice from the regulars on here. My son enjoys playing baseball and is looking forward to trying out for the high school baseball team next year. He's played three years of rec league ball plus we work on skills on our own. Last year I wouldn't let him play because of his grades and I'll admit this was a mistake but we still hit the batting cages, worked on infield and outfield skills and throwing.

This year he is in pony league and the team he is on is full of studs. These kids exude confidence which my son does not. There is another league in the area that focuses on building skills and sportsmanship and plays at a lower level. I feel he may get more out of the team he's on but he may also be the lowest skilled player on the team. I'm considering trying to get him on the lower team strictly to improve his confidence. Any thoughts?
Author: Loadrunner