Hey Gang, we have a new feature on the site.
When you place a for sale ad, you can now MARK IT AS SOLD when its sold. THis will help not getting requests for it months after the item is sold.
To do this, you have to have a thread in one of the FOR SALE forums. All you do is click the Thread Tools dropdown menu, and you'll see MARK THREAD AS SOLD. This marks it clearly as sold and closes the thread to prevent future posting.
Hope you find it useful!
When you place a for sale ad, you can now MARK IT AS SOLD when its sold. THis will help not getting requests for it months after the item is sold.
To do this, you have to have a thread in one of the FOR SALE forums. All you do is click the Thread Tools dropdown menu, and you'll see MARK THREAD AS SOLD. This marks it clearly as sold and closes the thread to prevent future posting.
Hope you find it useful!