It just keeps getting better!!

Many of you saw my other post about recent deaths in my family. Well this morning our grandson left for school in his Mercury Mystic (sp?). About 15 minutes later the phone rings, he has gone off the road. We make sure he isn't hurt and then I go to get him. When I get there, I have a look at the marks on the road and think, this is goig to be a good story. The marks started 250 feet up the road in the dirt shoulder, the back wheels had gone in the ditch, he got back on the road, did a 360 or 2 and then backed it into a tree that was about 20 feet off the road. His explanation is, he was swatting a moth in the car and lost control. There's a likely story. I then asked him how fast he was going, his answer was 90 to 100 KPH or about 55 to 62 MPH. I looked at how far he had slid and the damage to the car and thought, it's possible but he was probably going faster and it was a 80 KPH or 50 MPH zone. I should add that he is one of the worst drivers I have ever seen and I have no idea how he got his license. This was the 4th accident he has had in the 3 months he has been driving. The car is not repairable as the whole car is twisted. He will be beating the feet for a little while for sure. Call me a mean old man or anything else you want but the wife and I have said, "There is no way in hell he is driving our vehicles".

Here's the pics.


Attached Images
Author: admin